Mass Media Assignment Writing Services
You will submit at least 7 journal entries in two different journal submissions. The listening situations that you describe must occur within the semester dates and must be face-to-face interactions. I will accept no more than one technology-mediated entry (phone call, watching a video, FaceTime, Skype Webex, etc. for the 7 entries.
1st journal entry group:
Thus your submission will have the following subheadings (single space all subheadings):
You should submit one discriminative entry and two comprehensive listening entries and a descriptive 1 page (minimum) concluding summary.
Entry #1 (1-3): Type of listening
Description of Listening Experience:
Purpose and Behavior as a Listener:
Evaluation of Listening Strengths and Weaknesses:
What I Learned About My Listening:
You should submit one discriminative entry and two comprehensive listening entries and a descriptive 1 page (minimum) concluding summary. This assignment is VERY similar to the listening journal part II, but each focuses on different listening purposes. A formal introduction is not necessary for this assignment. Begin with your journal entries and finish with your concluding summary. Your concluding summary should be an overall evaluation of what you've learned about your listening. Reveal both specific details and "the big picture". Also, include how you will work for improvement in both listening purposes.
2nd Journal group:
Thus your submission will have the following subheadings (single space all subheadings):
Entry #1 (1-4): Therapeutic Listening Entry (or Critical Listening Entry or Appreciative Listening Entry)
Description of Listening Experience:
Purpose and Behaviors as a Listener:
Evaluation of Listening Strengths and Weaknesses:
What I Learned About My Listening:
You should submit one therapeutic entry, two critical entries, and one appreciative listening entry, and a descriptive 1-page (minimum) concluding summary.
Both research and clinical experience have shown that listening is one of the vital skills in almost all aspects of life. It plays a principal role in ensuring that the instructions are well followed in the excursion of the roles that are assigned. Through proper listening, one is able to get good clarity of the information that they are given for the sake of quality interaction. Listening gives the person delivering the message that the instructions are likely to be well followed by the listener. The giving of the ears by the listener makes it possible for communication to be effective in the long run long.
Listening plays an important role in seeing to it that the information fully reaches the client in the most effective way. Therapeutic listening is a skill that is applied in almost all the avenues of life that involve communication between one party and another. The flow of information from one party to another is dependent on the quality of the information that is gotten by the listening party.
Therapeutic listening
This is because listening is a dynamic process that involves the mind and the whole body. We are able to communicate to the world around us by using our listening skills to respond to the social and psychological needs that arise over time. Listening is a process that demands some form of engagement and attention between the communicating parties. This is different from hearing which is classified as a passive process due to its mechanical nature. Through proper listening, the body and the mind are triggered to respond through an engagement that is absolutely mutual. Listening is one of the ways in which survival can be made possible due to the nature of instructions that humans are constantly receiving (Bourdeaud’hui, Aesaert Van Keer& van Braak, 2018).
The sensory integration behavior is a key aspect that monitors the process of listening. This is part of the sensory diet that needs to be fed to the party being communicated as a form of relaying the communication. Good listening is associated with many benefits that come with it. To begin with, it makes the parties be attentive to the message that is being conveyed (Brown, 2017). When this happens, there is a likelihood of a good response as far as the decoding of the message is a concern.
Attention is necessary since it improves the quality of the way the listener responds. With a well attended and listening ears, the response is likely to be quality and this makes the importance of listening not to be underestimated. When a party listens well, the instructions are well analyzed by the listener hence leading to good performance.
Communication as a tool for listening
Good communication is therefore enhanced by the communication between the parties that convey the message and the ones that receive it. This makes it possible for both the parties to understand one another so that there is a good flow of communication. This communication concern can be a huge hindrance to the manner in which the institution operates. It is fundamental to comprehend that there can be appropriate mechanisms in which the policies that match the company’s objectives can be implemented through a well-established network of communication. (Nguyen, & Newton2018).
Communication plays a crucial position in the processes of any establishment in the professional domain. It generates a medium of information flow from the manufacturing, utilization, and distribution of the merchandise question. Moreover, it creates a link between the organization and the consumers. Every institution ought to utilize all the important characteristics of efficient communication to adequately satisfy the demands of the market. Therefore, it should to ensure cooperation between the workforce in the executive management and in the technical department (Bourdeaud’hui, Aesaert Van Keer& van Braak,2018). This will result in a long-term improvement in the efficiency of the communication channels. The informational networking scope ought to be made effective to ensure that salespeople can easily maneuver and penetrate the products’ market to the target audience. This, will in turn, enhance the general relationship and thus revamp the once tarnished reputation of the entire organization. (Brown, 2017).
It is apparent that there is a significant issue when it comes to business operations and this is primarily contributed by substandard communication. The first technique that could be utilized is ensuring proper connection with the team members. There is a fundamental requirement for trust and adequate communication to guarantee that the group has a high functionality. Proper interaction always facilitates adequate networking of data from one institutional section to the other. Well constructed interaction channels ensure that the institution comes to the realization that all the functional units are significantly equal in the achievement of the firms’ primary goals. The symbiotic relationship is depicted by the reliance of the top management in the executive level on the technical manpower to effectively execute their responsibilities (Nguyen, & Newton2018). This should flow to the workers whose primary obligation is to assign efficient salespeople with the task of advertising the company brands to the consumer population. These well-organized modes of communication guarantee adequate circulation of data, and thus ensure that the organization achieves all the established objectives.
That message is specifically pertinent for the preconceived population since it aids them in comprehending what they ought to do to ensure that the institution’s objectives are attained. In addition to that, it matters since its primary function is expounding more on how they ought to conduct their operations. The message might dictate the immediate action that the workforce and the team leader ought to undertake in order to accomplish the institutional objectives. (Bourdeaud’hui, Aesaert Van Keer& van Braak, 2018). It is also fundamental for the institutions to establish the most appropriate policies by ensuring the right messages are received at the right time period. The precision of the deliberate message is very vital for the methods that are utilized in increasing the clarity of the interaction structures. In this scenario, the professional managers have a primary obligation of having a comprehensive competitiveness with the technical employees to guarantee the attainment of the objectives of the institution. The marketing group requires a lot of empowerment in their interactions mechanisms; and thus ensuring that they establish an excellent rapport for the institution when working with the consumers (Brown, 2017).
Technical communication will be victorious in the delivery of the desired information. It is clear that technical interactions function as a method utilized in conveying data to other individuals. Certain individuals are adequately skilled as technical communicators who assist in the relaying of data. They may also document the information that they capture into paper or digitally reserve them in form of text, audio, and video. Technical interaction will aid in laying down the relevant data with the primary aim of reaching the desired audience (Nguyen, & Newton2018). This is due to the fact that it aids in making the collected data to be more credible and for it to reach the majority of the chosen population over a short time frame. This could be highly depicted by the manner in which individuals are performing their daily activities and their responsiveness to primary challenges.
There are certain fundamental procedures for this structure that ought to be followed. They include; first the selection of the desired audience who are going to receive the information. Secondly, there is the picking of the right interaction mechanism for communicating with other individuals. The other procedure involves properly understanding the advantages and disadvantages of each of the interaction methods and deciding on the most precise. Moreover, it is important to comprehend the various methods of understanding whether an interaction policy is credible or not. Here, we learn that we ought to ensure we resolve the issue of poor communication between the workforce and the management for the betterment of the institutional objectives. The communication of intending messages between our audiences is the success of telecommunication technology (Lemanska Dearnaley, Jena, Sydes& Faithfull, 2018).
Training and Training Framework for listening skills
The tutelage on acquiring communication practice skills normally takes place in the institution. The first primary method is through creating rather than train. Training pertains the development of individuals and ensuring that there is an improvement on completion; better than they were when they were commencing the classes. This assists them in coming up with brand new innovations to help the company or other individuals become better than their opponents. These institutions and people could also utilize tutorials to aid others. This would definitely assist people comprehending the mannerisms of performing particular operations through a step-to-step tutorial (Brown, 2017).
The individuals or organizations could utilize YouTube tutorials and other online class, or they could also create individual ones. Moreover, another essential educational method that could be utilized is role-playing. In this scenario, the individual offering the educational services in regards to listening skills could also perform the desired task in order to set an appropriate example by depicting the actions they are permitted to do. This is a technique that will yield the desired outcome. The major basis is that the trainees tend to learn better through observing the instructor; reinforces learning. Therefore, there is little room for the creation of mistakes through the above methods.
Technical communication can be implemented using the following mechanisms. The first method involves adequate comprehension of the workings of the organization, the target population, and their projections. There is also the requirement of acknowledging the institution’s objectives and the numerous available resources it requires for the organization to adopt technical communication. This will enable them to successfully meet the wants of the specified clientele and it will assist them in making the executive operations run better (Nguyen, & Newton2018).
In a bid to implement the majority of the communication practices, we employed tech-savvy individuals to aid in the repairing of communication services in case the machinery malfunctioned. This would aid in preventing a condition where things were at standstill in the company due to the failure of adequate and precise communication. The other fundamental thing we did was to employ some professionals who would aid educating our workforce on the manner in which to utilize the new interaction methods and when they were to utilize these processes (Brown, 2017). Moreover, they were to also comprehend the utilization of the correct language required in order to communicate and the manner in which to promote professionalism during the entire conservation. The workforce of the institution shall get to realize this through certain properly trained employees who will educate them on how to utilize this procedure and to guarantee successful transmission of messages between people.
Moreover, the learners comprehend the manner in which to adapt to the new forms of interactions. They ought to be unprejudiced and embraces all automated expansions that come up with it. In the case of technical communication, the students are advised to adapt to the methods of communicating and also producing creative ideologies on how to further improve it. The attempts shall be conducted to ensure that this educational program reaches the majority of the intended population to better their communication skills in future and in this step another team member shall be directed to learn about this in depth through seminars, lectures, and practical (Brown, 2017).
The importance of any institution is developed through internal executive procedures to deliver what the consumers demand through effective communication. Every organization is supposed to lay more emphasis on the mechanisms that enable the delivery of their policies and differentiates their company from their opponents. In addition to that, it also ought to give a framework to find and map appropriate objectives that they have set within the organization. They should be able to discuss the indicators that are used and practicing some essential business objectives for retaining customers and clients to boost the relationship (Nguyen, & Newton2018).
Their capability to comprehend the customers’ demands and the manner in which they can sufficiently meet them will improve. Constant interaction with the target population is an excellent policy that adequately improves the value and reputation of the organization. The institution can develop a structure of liaising with their customers to set aside spokespeople of their clients. These individuals will represent all the current and future clients and will function as a link between the organizations and its customers. This, will, in turn, improve all interaction challenges.
Technical communication is the procedure of the creation and delivery of data in a secure and efficient way to the people one is talking to. The objective of communication is to pass the desired data to the intended audience efficiently. In this scenario, for any level of communication to encounter a good listening audience, there is need to improve their communication they must possess excellent employee-clients relations', the communication relies on the manner in which one relates with the listeners (Nguyen, & Newton2018). When you interact in a way that allows individuals to comprehend you sufficiently, it creates a conducive working atmosphere and the listeners to get what you are saying since they are comfortable with you.
Technical communication highlights that one can have a correct thought process and adequately communicate one's ideas, and hence listeners are able to properly perform their obligations. The communicating agents need to have direct collaborative techniques with the clients as they create awareness of their merchandise. This increases the technical know-how of the delivered messages as well as improving the interactive capabilities between the organization and the consumers. The flow of data from one individual to the next ought to be regulated from a central area which in a way makes it possible to concentrate on the organization's goals for all the messages. Listeners are vital players in the communication process. Therefore, according to them with preferential treatment is one of the good policies for any communicator that values its reputation. (Brown, 2017).
The involved members have the responsibility of guaranteeing the creation of an excellent avenue for the interaction among the conveyor and the audience. This is an appropriate manner of ensuring that all individuals experience their essential roles throughout the communication procedure. The speaking of various languages among the distinctive social groups makes it difficult for communication to attain its established purpose and intentions. The primary reason is the singularity of the message and hence the fundamental requirement of unity in the processes among the various members (Nguyen, & Newton2018). All the parties require a form of incentive that ensures that they remain motivated in regards to working towards the objectives of the communication.
To dispense efficient executive communication, interfacing ought to expound more on the processes and purposes for improved corporate technical communication management. They may utilize emails and coach the listeners on mechanisms of adequate communication and provide more data on the messages. The coaching methods ought to be in a place capable of tackling all the issues that they have previously encountered in their usual interaction. The demand for an appropriately built relationship is therefore paramount for the progression of the communication strategy formulation.
The improvement of technical communication will aid in establishing the required data to progressively attain the desired audience. This will ensure that the information is more credible and reaches more individual over a limited time frame. It is also essential to effectively select a consumer group as it plays as a vital framework. It is paramount to understand the numerous restrictions in communication that make it overbearing to interact with certain social groups i.e. communication gap. This hurdle results in a devastating gap that individuals tend to overlook. In specific institutions, where communication gap is attained, that organization experiences challenges in an attempt of attaining those targets (Brown, 2017).
Certain communicators view them to possess interpersonal and intrapersonal interaction that the listeners prefer. When listeners communicate with the superior employees they utilize interpersonal methods and those who ought to interact within the group they utilize the latter (Clark, 2017). This type of interaction is significantly necessary for any intended message to be delivered home. The phenomenon functions as a stepping stone in the manner in which the message goals can be attained by the respective parties. This is due to the fact that properly constructed mediums enable the flow of data within all the divisions, which is the fundamental cornerstone of the communication methods that have been put in place.
Types of listening
As far as effective communication involves much listening to what is being said, it is important to realize that listening happens in different ways. There are different ways through which the communicated message is received by the listening party. To begin with, discriminative listening is the most basic one that is encountered by the communicating parties. This is achieved by getting the differences in the sounds that are produced (Nguyen, & Newton2018). This form of listening is demonstrated during the early ages of our lives where the children are able to differentiate differences in the voices and sounds.
This is one of the major reasons why a person is not able to become used to a foreign language in the first days. They take the time to learn the foreign or strange language, unlike the languages which they are familiar with. Communication is well understood when body language is used since the communicator is in a position to notice the delivery of the message to the recipient through the body language. One is also in a position to note the emotional variation from the other person through the tonal variation of both the sender and recipient of the message. The sense in the meaning of the sentences makes the person be in a position to understand the message clearly (Brown, 2017).
Another form of listening is the biased hearing where the listener sets their mind on what they want to hear other than what is communicated. Such forms of listening are very misinterpreted because the listener ends up not getting the intended message in the long run. The value of the message ends up losing meaning since the listener is not interested in getting the intended message due to their fixed mindset. This form of listening is very evaluative in nature from the consistent analysis. This is a dangerous form of communicating because the listener may end up missing the real content of what is supposed to be communicated. The listener should have some diligence and integrity in listening to the speaker so that they end up grasping all the information that they may need from the speaker, On the other hand, the speaker should do their best to present all the ideas in such a way that the listener won’t be able to differentiate the important from the less important points. This may increase the attention of the listener since they may not have any clue of what the speaker has to emphasis. However, despite all these efforts, the power to listen solely lies in the hands of the listener.
Evaluative listening is another form of listening that is critical in nature. During this communication, the other party makes a judgment on what is being said. They provide listening ears on what is done and then make a sound judgment on the whole matter. The listener is very keen in ensuring that the message does not go against their values or what they believe is right. They are able to gauge their worthy of any statement by employing the critical analysis skills that are important for such form of listening (Brown, 2017). The listener, therefore, remains with the choice of deciding whether they will buy the idea of the speaker or not. They do this by doing a thorough analysis of what could be the repercussions of the decisions to adopt the opinion of the speaker. This needs the listener to be more attentive in making a conclusion on the opinion of the speaker so that they cannot be misled by any means.
The person communicating tries to persuade the listeners to put them on their side of reasoning. Based on their convincing power, they may end up convincing the other party to change their beliefs as far as a particular subject is concerned. It needs judgmental and critical skills so that the person receiving the conversation doesn't easily fall prey of the convincing power of the communicator without deep reasoning. This is a good measure because most of the speakers have high levels of convincing powers that can easily sway away from a person from their convinced original stand (Bourdeaud’hui, Aesaert Van Keer& van Braak, 2018).
Additionally, the appreciative reasoning makes us see the good in something as we hear. The listener is very anxious to get the content of what is being said so that they can appreciate it from their point of view. Through this form of listening, there is some fulfillment of some satisfaction since listening meets the needs and desires of our conscious mind. The satisfaction increases our appetite to have the need of listening more and more from the content of the message. In most of these forms of listening, it is the message that pleases the listener. The listeners have a formed opinion concerning the message that we being presented and this makes them be pleased by the content of the information that is being revealed. This form of conviction makes the listeners be free from doubt that the information is the best from their point of truth. (Brown, 2017).
There comes a time when we have to put ourselves in the shoes of the person passing over the message. This comes at a time when the person communicating is passing through a tough time in the season of their life. We are therefore made to make them understand we feel their pain by providing a listening ear to what they are going through (Clark, 2017). The listener gives a listening ear and a body language to the emotional state of the person passing the message. This form of listening is referred to as empathetic listening.
On the other hand, listening can also provide ground for changing the mind of the speaker. The listener tries to listen to what the speaker is saying and then they try to change their mind through the persuasive form of their argument. Although it's mainly vibrant when one goes to visit a therapist, it also helps to solve problems from individuals at all level. This form of listening is very crucial in solving problems that may arise due to relationship issues (Nguyen, & Newton2018). Therapeutic listening helps people to change and develop in a way.
At times, the relationship can also be strengthened by good listening skills. The relationship listening is normally geared towards making the parties involved to develop some form of trust that is needed for them to accomplish some deals. The deals may be present obligations or future endeavors that strengthen the bond between them. The relationship listening occurs for quite some time since the building of the trust is normally a long process that calls for much patience and understanding among the parties. The trust comes after the parties like each other after giving time some test (Brown, 2017).
Sometimes a person may pretend to be listening to what is being said when in actual sense they are not listening at all. They may show some false emotional responses to what is being said when in the real sense their concentration is so far away. The goal of this response is to give a false positive impression so that the communicator can finish with them. The listener normally has the mindset that they may not meet again with the person conveying the message. What they feel comfortable with is displaying a false evidence that they are real when in reality they are far from the intentions of the communication (Nguyen, & Newton2018). It happens many times when the audience has been false to listen to a person and they have no option but to pass time. It also happens when one side is the only one which is talking.
Initial listening occurs when a person occurs when a person listens to the first few introductory words then keeps quiet as they think of what to say in return. When this happens, the person takes time to think of what they are going to say next due to the weight of the points in which they have gotten the message from. The person also takes time to look for ways of interrupting in the communication through asking further questions (Nguyen, & Newton2018).
Sometimes a person can be forced to have a selective listening where they listen to some things and then ignore others. They do partial listening where they give attention to the main points of concern and then leave the rest. It is the most done form of listening that is done by people. People have a tendency of listening to what is important as the person says it and then ignoring the personals information of the communicator (Clark, 2017). This is because the person could be having a bad history about themselves but what they are communicating is good to the listener. In this case, the person is forced to rely on the information that the person is saying other than looking into the personal life of the person communicating the information.
Full listening is a form of receiving information where the listener pays careful and close attention to all what is being said. The listeners do their best in getting the content in which the speakers want to put across. This makes them be prone to understanding all the information that the speaker has since the content gets a prepared mind. It requires some deep concentration since the listener doesn't wish to be bypassed by what the speaker says. By the end of the conversation, the speaker and the listener fully agree on the content due to the concentrative ability of the two parties. This full listening is very instrumental in making the listener feel satisfied and contented on the issues that have been presented by the speaker. This is because they are in a position to be fully aware of what the speaker wanted to portray. This leaves them with a chance to make a good judgment as far as the content of the speaker is concerned. They also get a chance to interact with the speaker inform of a dialogue that helps them to have some clarity of all the doubts that they may be having during their listening session. (Brown, 2017).
Deep listening, on the other hand, refers to the ability of the listener not only desires to hear the words of the person speaking but sinks deep to know how that person is. The character and the personality of the speaker are questioned which makes the listener get full contentment of the authenticity of the message in the long run. During the process of deep listening, there is an analysis of the full content of the information that is presented by the speaker. The listener is therefore interested in the body language, the words, the background, the emotions and the reactions of the person communicating the message(Nguyen, & Newton2018). This form of listening is very effective because it leaves the listener with no doubt about the information being given.
The listening experience is a broad term that describes the different forms of listening that people encounter in their daily lives. Communication presents people with different situations in which the message is delivered. This makes the people who are supposed to receive content of the information to respond to it based on the nature of the message and the timing (Clark, 2017). It is therefore within the choice of the listener to choose how to receive the message using the specific listening skills (Lemanska Dearnaley, Jena, Sydes, & Faithfull, 2018).
The listening experience, therefore, cannot be singled out since it depends on the prevailing conditions that exist at a particular time. This also depends on the circumstances under which the communication is bound to happen.
Description of the listening experience
From personal experience, I have encountered several forms of listening environments. These have given me an opportunity to exercise my skills in putting ideas out of context. For instance, I have been in situations that required me to critically listen to others as they speak. Some of these circumstances found me meetings were important information or instructions were being given. This kind of situation required a key attention to details as well as much concentration as the speaker was making their points (Brown, 2017). This was successful because I ended up having some concentrative skills that made me benefit from my listening.
In other situations, I have personal experience in having some appreciative listening in some of the situations that have faced media had to listen to people to get their point of concern to that they can bring the information that they have. From my appreciative listen to skills, I have been able to gain a lot including the whole content of the information being portrayed. This is because I was able to stand from the speakers' content point hence grasping everything. Additionally, I was able to present to the speaker some of the questions that may be in my mind which helps me to gain some clarity as far as the questions and doubts are concerned. The confidence to ask questions makes me be in a position to even understand better all those things since I can even explain to those who were not able to understand well. The desire to even approach the speaker is a good way of seeing to it that I gained the utmost clarity from all the issues that the speaker may have put across (Nguyen, & Newton2018).
Therapeutic listening has also been of help in the growth of my listening skills. Through it, I have been able to interact with different speakers where I have been able to drive my point home by listening to them first. This has given my listening skills an upper hand because my convincing and argumentative skills have increased in absolute terms. This form of improvement has built me as a person in the long run (Bourdeaud’hui, Aesaert Van Keer& van Braak, 2018).
The behavior of any listener is depended on the purpose of the information which they want to extract from the speaker. As part of a good audience, the listener is supposed to portray concentrative skills in the way they interact with the speaker. They need to pay attention to what the speaker is saying. They need to be an active audience that gives the speaker time to answer the questions that they have. Again, they need to make sure that they can take notes to motivate the speaker during the presentation (Nguyen, & Newton2018).
Weaknesses and strengths of listening
Listening has its share of strengths and weakness. To begin with, respect is a sign of respect to the speaker. When the audience listens well, they show the speaker that they respect the speech or the presentation that is happening. This gives the speaker a lot of confidence in the presentation since they are sure that the audience is participative (Clark, 2017). Additionally, good listening improves the efficiency of understanding the content of the speaker. This is because the listener is able to concentrate on the context hence grasping everything that is said. This saves the time of the listeners since they don't need to do further research on the topic being spoken. The listener, therefore, gets the points directly as the speaker says them. The listener is also able to know more about the background of the speaker. This makes them learn more attributes about speaking in public (Boon, Desloovere, & Verhaert, 2018).
On the contrary, listening can be very time consuming if the speaker lacks the public presentation skills. This can lead to boredom and lack of life during the whole presentation exercise (Brown, 2017). The speaker may also fail to involve the audience in the participation of the presentation. This makes the content presentation to be one-sided which leads to lack of concentration and boredom by the audience. When this happens, there is a lack of focus from the part of the audience which leads to the ineffectiveness of the presentation. Again, the audience that may involve many people may be faced with a challenge of no cooperation. The audience may make noise during the presentation hence leading lack of understanding of the content that is presented by the speaker. These are some of the issues that are mainly out of control of the individual listener.
Also, the expectations of the audience can be cut short if the speaker is not as audible as expected. Audibility is one of the key elements that any public speaker should portray regardless of the number of the audience. This is because the message needs to be put across with a lot of clarity so that the audience doesn’t complain. Anything that comes short of this becomes a disappointment to the audience and even to the speaker. The communication should come up very well with the high degree of clarity that guarantees the reach of every one who is in the venue.
My lessons on listening
From my lifetime understanding and experience as a good listener, I can say that listening is a multifaceted issue. It all begins with the personal planning and organization person has to make a decision to be a good listener. This is because the listener is the one who is deemed to gain from the speaker's presentation. They have to organize themselves to see how they will gain from the speaker at a personal level. To gainfully, the listener must be prepared to answer questions as well as to take notes to the things that are likely to slip from their minds.
However sweet listening is, the listener needs to be prepared for the challenges that come on the way. They need to be in terms with the reality that at times they will be forced to strain to receive the information from the speaker. This happens because some speakers are very less clear in the way they articulate facts. Also, the audience may be very unfriendly for the listeners to get the information. This calls for patience and integrity in the way the listeners are supposed to organize themselves.
Not all the conditions that they will find in their interactions with other people will be favorable in their dealings. The way they respond to challenges will determine the extent of their success in their listening expertise. The journey of becoming the best listeners may have many ups and downs but the strong and dedicated listeners will always make it to the end. They should exercise high levels of patience to make them competent.
Clark, A. (2017). Listening to Young Children, Expanded Third Edition: A Guide to Understanding and Using the Mosaic Approach. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Nguyen, C. D., & Newton, J. (2018). Schemata in Listening Comprehension. The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching, 1-7.
Brown, G. (2017). Listening to spoken English. Routledge.
Bourdeaud’hui, H., Aesaert, K., Van Keer, H., & van Braak, J. (2018). Identifying student and classroom characteristics related to primary school students’ listening skills: A systematic review. Educational Research Review.
Lemanska, A., Dearnaley, D., Jena, R., Sydes, M., & Faithfull, S. (2018). SP-0479: Listening to patients: PROs analysis to improve communication and enhance practice. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 127, S246.
Boon, E., Desloovere, C., & Verhaert, N. (2018). Helping little ones develop listening, language and literacy using music on the go. Journal of Hearing Science, 8(2).
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