Climate Change Perspectives at KPU
Climate Change Perspectives at KPU
The most common discourse in modern times relates to climate change. Changing weather patterns and adverse conditions like floods, earthquakes, and wildfires are all effects of global warming. Hence, due to the widespread effect, we decided to find the perspectives of our fellow students at KPU regarding climate change through qualitative research conducted through interviews of twenty students across different levels at the institution. The research intends to shed light on how deeply KPU undergraduates comprehend, are concerned about, and are motivated by the changing climate and its effects.
Research Question(s)
The objective and question of this research were centred around how the students at KPU perceived and are responding to the emerging issue of climate change and related effects. Additionally, the research sought to comprehend how each student at KPU's academic background, experiences in life, and personal beliefs influenced how they saw climate change.
Interview Methodology and Script
I interviewed university students to record a wide spectrum of viewpoints. The interview script included twenty main questions, each followed by a follow-up "probe question" designed to get interviewees to go deeper into their answers. The interview transcripts were coded using the descriptive method.
Reflexivity & Ethical Considerations
An ethical permission form outlining the study's goals, methods, confidentiality policies, and the rights of respondents was given to participants before the interviews. The strict adherence to ethical issues ensured voluntary involvement, confidentiality, and the freedom to discontinue at any time.
Findings, Key Quotes & Analysis
Academic Influence
Participants who were thoroughly aware of climate change showed the effect of academic fields, notably Environmental Studies. This emphasized how important education is in forming people's ideas. In the words of one respondent, “Thanks to my coursework in human geography studies, I have a thorough grasp of environmental concerns, especially climate change. I am now more cognizant of the intricacies and effects of this subject.”(Perplexity AI, 2023).This demonstrates how academic endeavours may significantly deepen and improve people's understanding of the complex nature of environmental change and its repercussions.
Climate Change Definition
The students agreed that "climate change" encompasses persistent changes in climate trends mostly brought on by human activities. One participant put it succinctly: "Personally, "climate change" refers to the gradual modification of Earth's climatic patterns brought on by human activity, which results in changes to the weather, the climate, and ecosystems” (Perplexity AI, 2023).This understanding of climate change supports European Commission (2023) in acknowledging its manmade causes and profound effects on numerous ecological elements.
Fig. 1. Projected Change in Mean Temperatures
(National Post, 2023)
Participants emphasized the importance of climate change worldwide, especially in light of the rise in severe weather occurrences. This focus highlights the issue's significant global ramifications. One student said, "In the modern world, climate change greatly impacts national governments, the international economy, and people's everyday lives. I am reminded of the seriousness of climate change by the increasing frequency of catastrophic weather phenomena like storms and floods”(Perplexity AI, 2023). This view corresponds with the United Nations' (2020) analysis of the numerous dimensions in which climate change reverberates, impacting not just the sustainability of the environment but also social and economic structures and people's day-to-day lives all over the globe.
Local Observations
Reservations about the regional effects of climate change were further heightened by first-hand observations of changing regional climate trends and the stability of ecosystems. One responder eloquently expressed this feeling: "In my area, I have seen less snowfall throughout the winter and more strong rainstorms, which I ascribe to climate change." (Perplexity AI, 2023).This response highlighted the complex interactions between more generalized worldwide climate patterns and the real repercussions seen within the neighbourhood. As described by United Nations (2020),the responses showed how linked global environmental changes are and their immediate impacts on local everyday life.
Fig 1. Map Showing Canada’s heavy precipitation
Heavy snow (which will likely exceed the ranges shown here), strong winds of 50 to 60 mph and, in some cases, stronger and severe storms will be possible through April 5. (DTN map) |
(Baranick, 2023)
Impacts and Concerns
Participants often expressed worries about the potential for Food scarcity, human displacement, and conflicts to worsen, as evidenced by the following comment: "I am concerned about the possibility that food shortages, and human displacement, might be exacerbated by climate change. I cannot sleep at night thinking about towns being forced to abandon their homes due to increasing sea levels” (Perplexity AI, 2023).The focus on these possible climate effects serves as a stinging awareness that climate change affects more than just the environment, as it also impacts the dynamics of geopolitics(Freymann, 2023). Such worries increase the importance of combating climate change to lessen its severe effects.
Fig 1. Food Insecurity and Climate Change
(Well-fed world, 2023)
Biodiversity Loss
Participants expressed significant concern about biodiversity loss, demonstrating their understanding of the interconnectivity of ecosystems and the possibility of far-reaching cascade impacts. One member summed up this feeling by saying, "Given the interdependence of ecosystems and the potential for cascade impacts when a species disappears, I am most concerned about biodiversity loss" (Perplexity AI, 2023). As shown by European Commission (2021), this response'sconcern highlights the intricate network that sustains life on the planet and the significant effect that the loss of biodiversity could have on the fragile equilibrium of ecological systems, further emphasizing the need to protect biodiversity through a biodiversity action plan as shown in Fig. 1 below
Fig 1. Surrey Biodiversity and Planning 2019
(Surrey Nature Partnership, 2019)
Fig 2. Legally Protected Species in Surrey
(Surrey Nature Partnership, 2019)
Governmental Role
Participants exhibited an overwhelming need for governments to play an even greater part, as seen by this comment, "Governments and institutions could do more by implementing stricter regulations on emissions and investing in renewable energy infrastructure" (Perplexity AI, 2023). They appealed to states to pass stronger emissions rules and contribute funds to construct facilities for green energy sources. This expectation accentuates the need for policy-driven change. It acknowledges the critical part that systemic actions play in solving the complicated and all-encompassing problem of climate change (Government of Canada, 2020). It represents an understanding that deliberate and concerted policy-level initiatives are necessary to make meaningful headway in reducing environmental consequences.
Educational Role of KPU
As seen by this statement, "I would want to see additional programs at KPU that examine climate change's economic and social implications and the role that policy may play in bringing about change," participants desired a curriculum beyond just teaching about climate change(Perplexity AI, 2023. Instead, they expressed a need for classes that explore the complex social and economic facets of the problem and, more importantly, how policies might have transformational effects. This feeling emphasizes the need for an educational strategy that not only conveys information but also gives students a thorough awareness of how climate change affects everyone and gives them the capacity to use legislative processes to create good change(Lieberman, 2022). It expresses a desire for a dynamic curriculum that considers the complexity of the actual world and encourages active participation in climate change.
Shared Responsibility
Participants skillfully recognized the shared weight of duty across several stages with remarks like "Both people and groups/governments are responsible for combating climate change. People drive demand, whereas institutions make more significant structural changes" (Perplexity AI, 2023). This acknowledgment highlights the complex interaction between personal choices and institutional adjustments in the fight against climate change. It supports Greenspace's (2023) analysis that although individual decisions and deeds play a role in the group effort, governments and other organizations also play a critical role in making more extensive, significant reforms. There isa need for cooperative interaction amongst diverse stakeholders to successfully address the complex issue of climate change.
Collaborative Efforts
Participants clearly understood the potential inherent in cooperative projects combining people and organizations, as seen by the statement: "Collaborative efforts between grassroots movements and policy-makers could lead to more effective change" (Perplexity AI, 2023). This overarching theme emphasizes the synergistic power of coordinated action, where the fusion of grassroots efforts and decision-making bodies may have significant effects. It emphasizes the significant influence that results from people working to change things from the bottom up and combining their voices and ambitions with institutions' capacity to make systemic changes. This subject highlights the opportunity for increased development via coordinated, cross-sectoral activities(Eggenberger, 2023).
Alternative Energy
It was clear how crucial renewable energy sources were to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and our dependency on fossil fuels. To enable a smooth transition, delegates also emphasized the need for improved energy storage technologies. The comment said, "Better energy storage solutions are needed, but renewable energy sources are essential in reducing carbon emissions and decreasing our reliance on fossil fuels" (Perplexity AI, 2023). This viewpoint supports Moomaw et al.(2018) by emphasizing the complex nature of the switch to renewable energy, where effective technologies for producing clean energy and the ability to distribute and store it are necessary for developing environmentally friendly energy networks.
Fig 4. Climate Change Statistics in Canada
(Government of Canada, 2023)
Technological Roles
Comments like "I'm excited about technologies like carbon capture and utilization, which could help mitigate emissions by turning them into valuable resources" showed a tangible excitement for cutting-edge solutions(Perplexity AI, 2023). Participants expressed their excitement for innovations like carbon capture and usage, realizing they can be game-changing tools for decreasing emissions and turning them into useful resources. This attitude demonstrates a readiness to accept technical developments that may spark pollution reduction while encouraging creativity. Accepting such technology shows the need for creative solutions to the climate challenge and advancing sustainability, as discussed by UNFCCC (2016).
Cultural & Social Influence
The significance of cultural attitudes in influencing people's viewpoints and responses to climate change was emphasized. This understanding is succinctly expressed in the statement, "Culture and societal attitudes significantly influence People's perceptions of and reactions to climate change" (Perplexity AI, 2023). This recognition emphasizes the significant influence that cultural context may have on how individuals conceive and respond to environmental concerns(Nash et al., 2019). To effectively address climate change, it is necessary to consider the cultural factors that influence people's actions and societal responses.
Advocacy & Collaboration
Participants' comments, as shown by phrases like "I participate actively in the environmentalism club at KPU, where we plan activities and initiatives to spread knowledge and encourage environmentally beneficial behaviour," highlighted the fundamental importance of advocacy activities(Perplexity AI, 2023). The need for active involvement in sustainability clubs and the clever use of media outlets like social media for effective campaigns was highlighted. This focus highlights the crucial role that individual activism plays in promoting climate action. It emphasizes the effectiveness of group initiatives, whether inside established organizations or via wider outreach, to increase awareness, promote change, and motivate cooperative answers to the problems brought on by climate change(Fisher & Renaghan, 2023).
The results of this survey demonstrate how KPU students have a variety of well-informed viewpoints on climate change. The themes show a deep knowledge of the problem, its effects, and how people might help lessen it. The KPU community can take complete climate action, as seen by the widespread demand for education, legislative reform, cutting-edge technology, and cultural adjustment. This research highlights the need for ongoing discussion, activism, and cooperation to overcome the difficult issues brought on by climate change.
Baranick, J. (2023, August 18). Blizzard, Strong Winds, and Severe Storms Hitting the Plains, Canadian Prairies, and Midwest. DTN Progressive Farmer.
Eggenberger, K. (2023). Accelerating climate action through collaboration.
European Commission. (2021, October 29). Climate change and biodiversity loss should be tackled together | Research and Innovation.
European Commission. (2023). Causes of climate change.
Fisher, D. R., & Renaghan, Q. (2023). Understanding the growing radical flank of the climate movement as the world burns. Brookings.
Freymann, E. (2023). The Geopolitics of Climate Change: Scenarios and Pathways for Arctic 2050. Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs.
Government of Canada. (2020, June 23). What’s in Canada’s climate plan? Aem.
Government of Canada, S. C. (2023, May 16). Climate change statistics at Statistics Canada.
Greenspace. (2023). What are the solutions to climate change? Greenpeace UK.
Lieberman, M. (2022, May 18). What Schools Can Do to Tackle Climate Change? Education Week.
Moomaw, W., Yamba, F., Kamimoto, M., Maurice, L., Nyboer, J., Urama, K., Nigeria, K., Weir, T., Fiji, Australia, Bruckner, T., Jäger-Waldau, A., Pan, J., Van, J.-P., & Belgium, Y. (2018). Renewable Energy and Climate Change Coordinating Lead Authors: Lead Authors: Contributing Authors: Review Editors.
Nash, N., Whitmarsh, L., Capstick, S., Gouveia, V., de Carvalho Rodrigues Araújo, R., dos Santos, M., Palakatsela, R., Liu, Y., Harder, M. K., & Wang, X. (2019). Local climate change cultures: climate-relevant discursive practices in three emerging economies. Climatic Change, 163(1), 63–82.
National Post. (2023). Warm winters, scorching summers: New maps project impact of climate change. National Post.
Perplexity AI. (2023). Perplexity AI.
Qualitative Interview Techniques and Considerations. (2019).
Sheppard, V. (2020). Chapter 10: Qualitative Data Collection & Analysis Methods.
Surrey Nature Partnership. (2019). BIODIVERSITY & PLANNING IN SURREY - March 2019. 1–47.
UNFCCC. (2016). Technology and the UNFCCC Building the foundation for sustainable development.
United Nations. (2020). Causes and Effects of Climate Change. United Nations; United Nations.
Well-fed world. (2023). Understanding the Meat → Climate → Food Insecurity Connections. A Well-Fed World.
- Interview Questions script
Hello, my name is________________. I am a fellow student at KPU taking course_____________, currently in year________. I am conducting a research survey on the perspectives of KPU students regarding climate change and its effect. I would appreciate it if you participated in the research process and provided insights that would e crucial in shaping the dialogue around climate change.
The interview will take approximately twenty minutes, and there are no specific requirements to participate apart from being a KPU student.
- Ethics and Informed Consent Form
This study has been reviewed and received ethics clearance through the KPU review board.This study aims to gather and examine data on your beliefs, ideas, and worries about climate change. The outcomes will be solely utilized in academic projects like articles, reports, or talks.
If you accept to participate, you will be asked to attend an individual interview. Throughout the interview, you will be questioned on various issues, including climate change. The interview will be taped for authenticity and future use as a resource.
Your comments will be kept private, and your identity won't be revealed in any publications or reports. Any identifiable information from the tapes will be deleted before the transcripts are written. The information will only be accessible to the person conducting the study and, if relevant, the supervisor.
The decision to take part in this interview is entirely up to you. You can leave the interview process without providing a reason or suffering any repercussions.
It is not expected that participating in this interview would provide any hazards. By expressing your ideas, you'll help spread knowledge of the effects of climate change, which might be advantageous for both science and society.
The results of this study may be utilized in articles, reports, or conferences in academic settings. Your personal information won't be shared, however. When the investigation is finished, you may ask for an overview of the results if you'd like.
- Consent
I have read and comprehended the material above. I freely consent to participate in the interview regarding my views on climate change. I know there are no repercussions if I leave the interview early. I am also aware that any replies I provide will be kept private.
Participant's Full Name: ________________________
Participant's Signature: ________________________
Date: ________________________
Contact Information
If you have any inquiries regarding the study or your involvement, please contact [Your Name] _______________at [Your Email Address] _____________.
You attest that you have read, comprehended, and consented to participate in the research by signing the enclosed document, proving your understanding.
Thank you for your contribution to this research
_________________________ [Place for Participant Signature and Date]
_________________________ [Place for Researcher Signature and Date]
Researcher's Name: ____________ [Your Name]
Contact Information: ______________ [Your Email Address]
Affiliation: _________________________ [KPU University]
Supervisor's Name:_________________ [Supervisor's Name]
- Interview Questions
- Please briefly introduce yourself and the KPU specialization.?
Probe Question:How has your field of study or training impacted how well you understand climate change?
- How well-versed are you in climate change and its effects?
Probe Question:Have you encountered particular individuals, places, or things that have helped you better comprehend climate change?
Personal Perspectives
- How would you characterize climate change?
Probe Question: Would you mind sharing any personal encounters or discoveries that have influenced how you see climate change?
- How important, in your view, is the subject of climate change in contemporary society?
Probe question:Are there any specific worldwide occurrences or news reports that have reaffirmed the importance of climate change in your eyes?
- Have you witnessed any shifts in your neighbourhood's surroundings that you believe result from climate change?
Probe Question: How have these neighbourhood shifts affected your view on climate catastrophe or how you live your life?
Awareness and Education
- How do you remain up-to-date on problems relating to climate change?
Probe Question:Could you list any websites or resources you use to acquire accurate details on climate change?
- Did you study global warming or climate change issues in your KPU courses? If yes, in what ways have they affected your comprehension?
Probe Question:Do any specific ideas or conversations from your classes jump out as having significantly influenced how you see climate change?
Impact and Concerns
- What potential effects do you foresee climate change having on your life and the environment you will inhabit?
Probe Question:Are you concerned about any possible climate change events or difficulties you may face?
- Are there any particular elements of climate change—such as severe weather, sea level rise, or biodiversity loss—that most worry you?
Probe Question: How do these concerns align with your values or experiences?
Personal Actions
- Do you try to lessen your impact on the environment in your day-to-day activities?
Probe: Have there been any obstacles or challenges in putting these sustainable methods into practice?
11. Do you encounter any obstacles when you adopt more environmentally friendly behaviours?
Probe: Can you provide instances when convenience and your goal to be more environmentally responsible clashed?
Government and Policies
12. Do you think organizations and governments are addressing climate change effectively enough? If not, why not?
Probe: Are there any particular regulations or measures you want governments to take to combat climate change?
13. what regulations or initiatives would you want your institution or government to adopt to address climate change?
Probe: What potential effects do you believe these measures could have on how people and society react to climate change?
Global vs. Individual Responsibility
14. Do you believe bigger government agencies, corporations, or private citizens are more responsible for combating climate change?
Probe: How do you anticipate the interaction of human behaviour and structural changes in the fight against climate change?
15. In what ways can people like you and me successfully resist climate change?
Probe: Are there any particular tactics or methods that, in your opinion, make a significant influence when used by people individually?
Alternative Energy and Technology
16. What do you think about green energy sources and how they may help cut carbon emissions?
Probe question: How can we go from a smaller acceptance of renewable energy to a larger adoption?
17. Have you encountered any cutting-edge technology that might help with the climate crisis?
Probe question: Please explain how these technological advances may be incorporated into current systems and various sectors.
Cultural and Social Aspects
18. Do you believe tackling climate change has a cultural or social component? How could attitudes and behaviours be affected by cultural factors?
Probe question: Could you provide any examples of how cultural views have influenced how the impact of climate change is viewed or addressed?
Collaboration and Advocacy
19. Do you participate in any KPU clubs, groups, or initiatives about the environment? If not, would you consider taking part in such efforts?
Probe question: What led you to become active, or if you weren't already, what may have made you decide to get involved?
20. What are some successful ways students and young individuals may promote climate action and create consciousness in their neighbourhoods?
Probe question: Can you provide instances of effective advocacy campaigns that you've seen or participated in?
- Test Drive
Q1. I am a second-year Environmental Studies student at KPU, concentrating on conservation and sustainably managing resources.Thanks to my coursework in human geography studies, I have a thorough grasp of environmental concerns, especially climate change. I am now more cognizant of the intricacies and effects of this subject.
Q2. I have a good understanding of the idea of climate change and its effects. I spent much time studying it in my Environmental Science classes at KPU. I have also seen documentary films to further my awareness and attend climate change workshops.
Personal Perspectives
Q3. "Climate change" refers to the gradual modification of Earth's climatic patterns brought on by human activity, which results in changes to the weather, the climate, and ecosystems.The urgent need for dealing with climate change has been brought home by seeing how unpredictable weather conditions have damaged agriculture in my area.
Q4. In the modern world, climate change greatly impacts national governments, the international economy, and people's everyday lives. I am reminded of the seriousness of climate change by the increasing frequency of catastrophic weather phenomena like storms and floods.
Q5. In my area, I have seen less snowfall throughout the winter and more strong rainstorms, which I ascribe to climate change.Due to these shifts, I am now more worried about the sustainability of the area's ecological systems and structures.
Awareness and Education
Q6. I monitor the social media profiles of environmental groups to get information and read reliable news sources.My awareness of the complexities of climate change has been greatly enhanced by online resources like webinars.
Q7. Climate change has been discussed in several of my KPU classes, especially concerning its effects on ecological justice and the formulation of policies.
It has been refreshing to hear how underprivileged populations are most severely affected by the impacts of climate change.
Impact and Concerns
Q8. I am concerned about the possibility that food shortages, and human displacement, might be exacerbated by climate change.I cannot sleep at night thinking about towns being forced to abandon their homes due to increasing sea levels.
Q9. Given the interdependence of ecosystems and the potential for cascade impacts when a species disappears, I am most concerned about biodiversity loss.My concern is consistent with my observations of the variety of life when exploring natural regions.
Personal Actions
Q10. I lessen my environmental impact by utilizing reusable things, using public transportation, and buying locally produced goods.Finding economical, ecologically sound alternatives can prove difficult, particularly in a constantly changing life.
Q11. When convenience conflicts with environmentally friendly options, adopting more sustainable behaviors might be challenging. These circumstances often prompt me to consider the consequences of choices between efficiency and environmental effect.
Government and Policies
Q12. Stricter emission controls and infrastructural expenditures by governments and organizations might result in more action. Governments should encourage renewable energy sources and make them available to everyone.
Q13. I would want to see additional programs at KPU that examine climate change's economic and social implications and the role that policy may play in bringing about change.Incorporating environmental initiatives into our educational institution's curriculum may aid in increasing student consciousness and drive.
Global vs. Individual Responsibility
Q14. Both people and groups/governments are responsible for combating climate change. People drive demand, whereas institutions make more significant structural changes.Collaboration between local groups and decision-makers may result in more significant change.
Q15. People may help by supporting environmentally friendly companies, reducing trash, and promoting more stringent ecological standards.Participating in neighborhood environmental efforts may increase our effect and promote systemic changes.
Alternative Energy and Technology
Q16. Although we must find better ways to store energy, green energy sources are essential for lowering greenhouse gases while decreasing our dependency on fossil fuels.To switch to a cleaner energy mix, getting over the intermittent nature of renewable sources may be necessary.
Q17. I am enthusiastic about technology that might reduce pollutants by converting them into useful resources, such as carbon sequestration and use. Incorporating this technology into industries may promote innovation in addition to reducing pollution.
Cultural and Social Aspects
Q18. Cultural and societal attitudes significantly influence People's perceptions of and reactions to climate change.The observation of cultural resistance to implementing environmentally friendly methods has brought attention to the necessity for specialized techniques for communication.
Collaboration and Advocacy
Q19. I participate actively in the environmentalism club at KPU, where we plan activities and initiatives to spread knowledge and encourage environmentally beneficial behavior. Observing the results of our club's joint efforts inspires me to keep pushing for climate action.
Q20. By participating in nonviolent demonstrations, advocating for policy modifications, and using online platforms to spread consciousness, youths and students may successfully campaign for climate action. I have seen effective ads that employed catchy images and trending hashtags to draw attention to climate challenges.
Descriptive Codes of Interview Transcripts
Themes |
Codes |
Interview Excerpt |
Essence of renewable energy |
“Although we must find better ways to store energy, green energy sources are essential for lowering greenhouse gases while decreasing our dependency on fossil fuels. To switch to a cleaner energy mix, getting over the intermittent nature of renewable sources may be necessary.”
Cultural and social aspects |
“Culture and societal attitudes significantly influence People's perceptions of and reactions to climate change. The observation of cultural resistance to implementing environmentally friendly methods has brought attention to the necessity for specialized techniques for communication.” |
Collaboration and advocacy
“I participate actively in the environmentalism club at KPU, where we plan activities and initiatives to spread knowledge and encourage environmentally beneficial behavior. Observing the results of our club's joint efforts inspires me to keep pushing for climate action.” |
Global vs. individual responsibility |
“Both people and groups/governments are responsible for combating climate change. People drive demand, whereas institutions make more significant structural changes. Collaboration between local groups and decision-makers may result in more significant change.” |
Government and policies |
“Stricter emission controls and infrastructural expenditures by governments and organizations might result in more action. I would want governments to encourage renewable energy sources and make them available to everyone." |
Personal actions |
“I try to lessen my environmental impact by using reusable things, public transportation, and locally produced goods. Finding economical, ecologically sound alternatives can prove difficult, particularly in a constantly changing life.”
Impact and concerns |
“I am concerned about the possibility that food shortages, and human displacement, might be exacerbated by climate change. I cannot sleep at night thinking about towns being forced to abandon their homes due to increasing sea levels.” |
Loss of biodiversity |
“My concern is consistent with my observations of the variety of life when exploring natural regions.” |
Education and Awareness |
“I monitor the social media profiles of environmental groups to get information and read reliable news sources. My awareness of the complexities of climate change has been greatly enhanced by online resources like webinars.” |
Global Impact |
“Given the interdependence of ecosystems and the potential for cascade impacts when a species disappears, I am most concerned about biodiversity loss. My concern is consistent with my observations of the variety of life when exploring natural regions.” |
Local observations |
“In my area, I have seen less snowfall throughout the winter and stronger rainstorms, which I ascribe to climate change.” |
Academic influence |
“Thanks to my coursework in human geography studies, I thoroughly grasp environmental concerns, especially climate change. I am now more cognizant of the intricacies and effects of this subject.”
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