Anthology Writing Assignment Answers
Assignment Type :- Research Project / Essay
Word Count:- 1500 - 2000 words
Format:- MLA
An anthology is a collection of writing – stories, articles, research essays, interviews, etc. – used to introduce a topic to a diverse but interested readership. For this assignment, you will research, edit, and write the introduction to, an anthology of writing on a topic of your choice. Your anthology must contain 6 sources. It should include at least three scholarly/research genres, i.e. argumentative, research-based sources with citation (MLA or APA, etc), drawn from a scholarly database. Other non-academic genres such as shortstories, magazine articles, interviews, documentaries, novels, poems, films, images, artworks, or substantial newspaper articles are permissible. Once you have selected these sources/documents, you will compose a short essay explaining how they help us to understand the topic you have chosen, as well as a Pecha Kucha presentation, consisting of 20 slides, to present your research. Guidelines Your anthology should include: 1. an essay of 1500-2000 words, explaining the rationale behind your collection: What is the topic? Why is it important? What questions does your research answer? Why did you choose these particular texts? How does each text contribute to your topic? Imagine this essay as a kind of introduction to the collection: you need to provide readers with a summary and discussion of each the texts included, showing connections and differences in their arguments and approach 2. an MLA Works Cited page 3. a completed self-assessment sheet (see below; also available on eLearn) 4. A Pecha Kucha presentation (see rubric below) Selecting Material Your topic should not be too broad, and your discussion should take a clear stance. Topics such as "Biotechnology", for instance, should be narrowed to "Five Arguments Against Genetically-Modified Food". You will probably narrow your topic as you begin to do research on it. Be prepared to spend between 8-12 hours researching your topic. Do not expect to find your sources in one visit to the library – that will certainly lead to frustration. You’ll need to “turn” your topic around in your imagination as you conduct research into it. A significant portion of the mark for this assignment will be based on your selection of material. I am asking you to draw extensively on academic genres (research essays and reports). As a guideline, "scholarly" sources are those that use MLA or APA citation and/or have a Work Cited page or Bibliography at the end; sources without citation are not considered "research-based." EBSCO is a good database of research-essays; or ask a librarian for help. Please note: • Projects without the minimum number of sources will be penalized 20% per missing source (this includes having less than 2 research-based sources). • For this assignment, collaborative work (in pairs) is permitted, but you must notify me asap. • Please attach a self-assessment sheet at the end. I will consider this when I evaluate the project. • If you would like to discuss your projects after they have been graded, please make an appointment with me. • Because there is no final exam for this course, it is imperative that projects are turned in on time. Late papers may result in an "F" on your transcript
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Anthology Evaluation Sheet Name: Criteria Mark
General /10
• clearly articulated & developed rationale/thesis
• logical development of topic / order of sources
• effective use of definitions
• accurate and concise summarizing
Creativity and insight Style and Expression /10 (note: significant/repeated problems here will affect the above)
• effective use of signal phrases
• sentence structure
• paragraph structure & transitions
• smooth integration of quotations
• MLA formatting (citations + works cited + document format)
Sources & Research / 10 (note: anthologies without the minimum number of sources will lose 20% per missing source)
• scope of research
• variety of sources
• relevance of sources
• assessment of sources Summary
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Assignment & Rubric Value: 10% (presentation + script)
Due: See eLearn
Purpose: To carry out and share archival research
1. To present archival research carried out this term
2. To deliver a creative, informed, and innovative visual presentation on the North Shore
You will research and prepare a Pecha Kucha presentation consisting of 20 slides at 20 seconds per slide, using presentation software such as Microsoft PowerPoint. A template is available on eLearn, as are several examples of the form. See also:
I will be using this rubric: /10
Slides contain high-quality images that are used to demonstrate observations and research. They are organized in a way that elaborates the content of the presentation. There is a clear logic/rationale to the order of slides. /10
The essence of Pecha Kucha is a combination of powerful images and succinct speech. Rather than the presenter reading text from slides, images communicate the core idea while the speaker offers wellrehearsed, insightful commentary. The presentation should not feel rushed or haphazard; it should “flow”. /10
The script has a clear structure and it demonstrates that research has been carried out. It is well written and innovative. Sources are cited using MLA style (not required in the oral delivery)
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