250+ Possible Persuasive Essay Topics

Jan 03, 2024




What if your instructor gave you the freedom to write an essay on any topic you choose? Initially, it would thrill you. You would think that there are countless chances to express yourself and showcase your writing abilities.
However, when you search for a compelling essay topic, nothing appears to jump out.

Remain calm:

We've got a list of excellent subjects for persuasive essays! You can go deeper into these fantastic ideas that the IvyPanda team has put together. They would sound credible whether used for public speaking or academic writing. Additionally, don't forget to read our guidelines for writing the ideal persuasive essay.

Let's get going and see what you enjoy!


Which Subjects Make Good Arguments?

We can begin by learning what constitutes some strong ideas for persuasive subjects. A common misconception is that argumentative and persuasive writing are the same. They could hardly be more mistaken.


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Writing that makes points without attempting to persuade readers is referred to as argumentative writing. It also presents opposing viewpoints in a debate. There are plenty of wonderful essay samples that support this.

Academic writing that aims to convince the reader that the point of view being presented is the most valid is known as persuasive writing. The Latin verb "persuadere," which meaning "to convince," is the source of the English term "persuade." An essay of this kind does more than just explain a circumstance. It makes a statement and takes a stance.

the defination of argumentative and persuasive essays


A strong persuasive essay topic can be used for both writing and speech practice. A compelling title can make your speech much more captivating when you give it in public. One that would make a fantastic speech idea is this one.

An effective topic is one that:


  • It accomplishes the goal. You ought to be able to expand on the subject. Verify whether there is space for reflection and debate. Make sure there are a lot of primary and secondary materials accessible for that. Examining it before deciding on a topic is a smart approach.
  • You find it interesting. Recall that you are the one who must compose your essay. Choose a topic that truly interests you. Be certain that you can write about it with ease.
  • It has bearing on your readers. Remember who is going to read your work at all times. Who is the intended audience for you? Select a subject matter that appeals to your readers. Select an issue that is important to them.
  • It is distinct. Remaining creative and novel is one of the best things you can do to generate ideas. Of course, coming up with a totally original theme is rather difficult. But even if it is quite popular, try to come up with a unique viewpoint on the matter.


📌 Top-12 Good Persuasive Essay Ideas

  1. Is the Internet safe for young kids?
  2. Should we abolish zoos?
  3. Can animal testing be ethical?
  4. Is euthanasia a human right?
  5. Do public libraries need more funding?
  6. Is green energy reliable?
  7. Can we remain anonymous online?
  8. Is gender a social construct?
  9. How can debt be relieved for college students?
  10. Is there a point to political debates?
  11. Did the 2020 pandemic change the world?
  12. What is better – high school or middle school?


🎉 Funny Persuasive Essay Topics

Writing is usually more enjoyable when it include humor and entertainment. It not only lifts your spirits but also supports you in maintaining your creativity and developing your sense of humor. It is even more thrilling for your viewers to read anything enjoyable.


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You can start writing your essay by using this list of humorous persuasive essay topic ideas. Alternatively, it might help you generate original and humorous ideas through brainstorming.

13. Girls do not like gossiping more than boys do. Although this is a widely held idea, do you believe gender has a role? Or are we just always reinforcing this stereotype? Any man you ask if he gossips will almost certainly say he doesn't. Still, it's not true. Guys also engage in gossip. The distinction lies in the fact that they do not view their exchanges as gossip.

14. Why should people eat less junk food? There are a ton of compelling arguments against junk food consumption. You can begin by enumerating the financial and health benefits. Provide information regarding the incapacity to verify hygienic standards and allergic limitations. It's an easy and interesting subject to write about.

15. Everyone should know how to cook.

16. Why do smokers have more acquaintances?

17. Why parents should stop lying about Santa Claus.

18. People should live together before getting married.


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19. The color of your hair does not affect your IQ. There's a widespread misconception that your IQ may be inferred from your hair color. Hollywood productions, periodicals, and even some common people have contributed to the perpetuation of this caricature. Is that really true? Look for a solid scientific justification for your beliefs.

20. Why is social media great for you?

21. Regular exercise can help you be happy.

22. Netflix can help you grow as an individual.

23. Why should homework not be given to kids?

24. Overprotection can make your child fail in life. All parents ought to let their children make errors. Regretfully, it is how we pick things up. Without this important life experience, we will never be successful adults. We will be so terrified of failing that we won't be able to make important judgments. Children should be able to learn from their parents that failure is common since it's a part of life.

25. Physical attractiveness can help you succeed.


😊 Good Persuasive Essay Topics

It may not be useful to you when looking for a topic for a persuasive essay. Either the assignment is too easy, or it is far too difficult. The order of this list is determined by your academic standing. With any luck, it will guide you in selecting a topic for your persuasive essay.

🎈 Persuasive Essay Topics for Elementary Students

Persuading others is an essential talent. We must develop our ability to communicate our ideas and thoughts logically and coherently in order to do that. You should use concise language and sentences.

Elementary schools should also teach these abilities. You can use this list to help you brainstorm ideas for your upcoming elementary school essay.


26. School uniform is a good idea. You can simply alter this phrase to say something you agree with if you disagree with it. There are several good reasons to implement a school uniform. It first teaches children to defer to authority. Whichever career path they choose, they will wear uniforms for the rest of their lives. Secondly, it aids in balancing the disparities in income between children. While some parents can afford designer clothes, others cannot.

27. School breaks should be longer.

28. Watching TV is good for you.

29. Why there should be no homework.

30. Eating vegetables is good for your health.

31. Why every child should be allowed to have a pet. You can experience what it's like to be an adult by owning a pet. It instills accountability in you. You can impart the knowledge you've gained to your pet.

32. Summer and Winter are the best seasons.

33. Kids should be allowed to play computer games.

34. I should be able to go to bed when I want to.

35. Kids should be able to vote.

36. My parents should pay me for doing chores.

37. Why having a piggy bank can help you in life. From a very young age, financial education should be initiated. Children must to be able to comprehend the worth of money and what saving entails. You can share the advantages that come with owning a piggy bank.

38. Students should be able to give grades to teachers.

39. Should we get paid for good grades?

40. Having a big family has more benefits than disadvantages.

41. Cats are better than dogs.

42. Students should be allowed to pick their teachers.

43. Using a cell phone at school should be allowed.

44. Why learning another language is good for you. Do you enjoy taking trips? or viewing cartoons and movies? You can use a foreign language while doing so if you are learning a second language. It gives you a future benefit as well as a competitive edge.

45. Everyone should have a hobby.


‍👩‍🏫 Persuasive Essay Topics for Middle & High School

High school and middle school are places where you can train and acquire the necessary life skills. There's learning to write, count, and interact with people. In addition to all of this, you can develop your persuasive and compelling skills. One excellent approach to achieve it is to write essays.


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Thus, if you have the option, attempt to choose a topic for your essay that will persuade readers.

46. Smoking is bad for you.

47. The school day should start later in the day.

48. Households should be obliged to recycle.

49. Books should be replaced with tablets. Books have become obsolete. It is no longer required to tote bulky books. You can fit hundreds of books on a tablet. It is also preferable for protecting the environment and forests. If you concur with this assertion, pick this argumentative essay topic.

50. The Internet is the best invention of the 20th century. Almost everyone will concur with you. Without the Internet, life would be far more difficult in the present era. It gives information and raises the bar for communication. There are many who don't agree with these claims. They believe that there are better inventions of the 20th century than the Internet.

51. Smoking should be banned in all public spaces.

52. Why city life is better than country life.

53. The Internet should be free for everyone. It is an essential part of contemporary living. These days, it is hard to do tasks like filing taxes, finding employment, or working without connection to the Internet. Without it, you cannot even apply to universities or for scholarships to help pay for your education. As such, it ought to be free.

54. Should tattoos be illegal?

55. Women should be allowed to breastfeed in public.

56. Eating chocolate is healthy.

57. Animal dissection is inhumane.

58. Cities should have a free bike-sharing.

59. Video games promote violence. Violent acts are occasionally linked to video games. Youngsters who play video games are more prone to participate in vigorous activities. Explain this viewpoint or make an objection to it.

60. Social Media is bad for your self-image.

61. Who do you consider your hero, and why?

62. Texting while driving should be illegal.

63. Why zoos should be banned. Many people enjoy visiting zoos. But consider it from an ethical standpoint. You'll find that there are numerous reasons why zoos ought to be outlawed. You are free to express your personal opinions in this article. Give the reader an example of why it is inhumane to put animals in cages.



64. Gender divided schools are bad for kids.

65. The benefits of having younger siblings.


🎓 Persuasive Essay Ideas for College

It might be really difficult to come up with a compelling essay topic for a college essay. The hardest part has already been completed for you; we have compiled a list of fascinating subjects. Check to see if anything seems convincing enough for your upcoming talk or article.

66. How should Americans solve the gun violence issue in the United States?

67. One policy that should be implemented in the educational sector.

68. Why should public universities have free tuition?

69. The death penalty is an ineffective way to prosecute.

70. Hunting is not an ethical hobby. Because it causes suffering to animals, a lot of people think it's not a respectable pastime. An animal may occasionally survive a shot but die a drawn-out, agonizing death afterwards. Look for justifications for this position. You may believe that hunting is perfectly OK. Then emphasize that having this pastime and having a passion for animals are not mutually exclusive.

71. Vegetarianism does not save animals.

72. Mcdonalds should not be an official sponsor of any sporting event.

73. The world should have free borders.

74. Abstract art is not art.

75. Online learning is best for students and teachers.

76. The importance of equal representation of genders and races in the police.

77. Capital punishment should be abolished.

78. Churches should be required to pay taxes. Decades pass while this argument is being discussed. Many people think that churches ought to lose their status as tax-exempt charities. The Catholic Church is the richest institution in the world, which is one of the causes.

79. Teachers should be paid more.

80. Americans should speak more languages.

81. Beauty contests are bad for teenage girls’ self-image. This kind of rivalry reduces women to nothing more than objects of lust. Those who are unable to take part in these competitions ultimately suffer as well. They believe that they fall short. Examine further justifications for the negative effects of beauty pageants on young people.

82. Standardized tests should be banned.

83. Why should there be only one currency in the world?

84. Pets should be allowed to join children at school.

85. Why cyberbullying should become a crime.


🦉 Persuasive Essay Topics for Higher English

English majors in college can write essays on any of these subjects. Selecting the best topic is the first step in writing an effective speech or paper.

Take a look at this fantastic collection of unique and imaginative essay themes. Our suggestions might assist you in producing an exceptional outcome that will delight your audience.

86. The question of authority is the focus of The Giver by Lois Lowry.

87. Why abortions should be allowed.



88. People should be charged for racial slurs.

89. Guns should not be allowed on College Campuses.

90. Elementary schools should focus on teaching how to type, not handwrite.

91. Security cameras at a workplace are an invasion of privacy.

92. College football should be banned. It is just too dangerous.

93. Parents should never lie to their kids. You can describe what happens to children when their parents lie to them in this essay. It might eventually lead to a massive mistrust. You might also discuss typical lies parents tell their children, like about Santa, a deceased pet, or ingesting gum.

94. Illegal immigration benefits the American economy.

95. Do we live in the society predicted by Ray Bradberry in Fahrenheit 451?

96. Should priests be allowed to get married?

97. Does the government have a right to choose what it censors?

98. How the current tax system overburdens middle-class citizens.

99. Religious beliefs do not define a person.

100. Being egoistic should be encouraged. Selfishness is typically viewed as a bad quality. Psychologists, however, contend that selfishness can improve a person as a whole. Look for justifications for this position. You could argue that maintaining your health or even improving your relationships requires being selfish. You can convince your readers with a lot of well-thought-out arguments.

101. Sexual desire does not define human behavior.

102. Equal rights between men and women are impossible to attain. Describe the subject in more detail, stating your opinion or the other. To persuade your reader, present both reasons and counterarguments.

103. Women are better at collaborating and executing than men.

104. There is a danger in being neutral.

105. Should all residents receive free health care?



🎈 Great Persuasive Essay Topics according to Theme

We also arranged our topics according to themes. If you need to write a persuasive essay for a particular class, it could be helpful to look for the best one.

Perhaps you're passionate about sports, music, or leading a healthy lifestyle. After that, you can select your favorite theme. Choose a topic for your persuasive essay that is effective.

🏈 Persuasive Essay Topics about Sports

Who doesn't enjoy sports? Alright, so perhaps some people don't like it. Still, the majority of pupils decide against writing essays about it.

Are you aware of the reason?

Primarily due to the difficulty in locating the topic. It becomes particularly difficult if you're trying to locate a decent one. You can get some new ideas for persuasive essay topics from this list.

106. Don’t generalize college athletes. It's a popular misconception that all collegiate athletes lack intelligence. You should explain why this statement is false in your essay.



107. It's important to consider cheerleading to be a sport.
108. Female teams should only be trained by women.
109. Colleges ought to cut back on their athletic program budgets. Another controversy in American society is this essay's subject. There are many who think it is absurd to spend this much money on sports. We might use this money for educational purposes and to help underprivileged kids financially. Describe why the top US schools don't have extensive athletic departments.

110. Not every sportsperson can be a good coach.

111. Every college athlete should get insurance.

112. Women should be allowed to compete against men.

113. An issue of homophobia in sports.

114. Cheerleaders should wear different costumes because the current ones are sexist.

115. Why parents should let their kids play extreme sports. Consider the reasons behind why parents ought to let their kids engage in these kinds of activities. You can start by writing about children's motivations for participating in extreme sports. You can also go into further detail about why parents are opposed to that. You never know what you might discover.

116. Fame is the main factor in getting a sports-related career.

117. College athletes should get paid as much as the professional ones.

118. Chess should become an Olympic sport.

119. Sports help with managing depression and anxiety.

120. Michael Jordan is the most successful athlete of all time.


🩺 Persuasive Health Topics

Some suggestions for health-related persuasive essay topics are included in this section. There are roughly five titles each segment.

Let's explore what medical subjects you can utilize:

Medical Persuasive Essay Topics

121. Everyone should have a right to euthanasia.

122. The importance of talking to kids about sex.

123. Healthcare should be free. Primarily, free healthcare has the potential to save millions of lives. Thus, it establishes the framework for a just and moral community. Some of the most vulnerable individuals are unable to cover their medical expenses. It makes society even more unequal.

124. Talking about childhood cancer is essential to fight it.

125. Why marijuana should not be legalized. The general consensus is that marijuana poses no risks. Some scientists, however, take issue with this assertion. You can convince your audience not to favor the drug's legalization in this essay. Or you can take the opposite action. Persuade them that it is safe and even advantageous to your health.



Persuasive Essay Topics on Healthy Lifestyle

126. Your eating habits affect your personality.

127. Seven harmful effects of junk food.

128. The vegetarian diet is the healthiest one.

129. Unhealthy foods taste so good because it’s a manipulation. Although this is a humorous topic, many people have undoubtedly asked similar queries. Why is it that junk food tastes so good? Not only does it taste good, but it also causes chemical reactions in our brains.

130. Poor nutrition and life expectancy connection.


Persuasive Essay Topics on Mental Health


131. Misuse of ADHD medication among college students.

132. Stigma and discrimination affect gay men’s mental health.

133. Does playing music during pregnancy increase a baby’s IQ?

134. Playing with Barbie dolls can later manifest in eating disorders. Girls who spent hours playing with Barbie dolls have come to believe that their bodies are flawed. They believe that dieting is necessary. An unattainable Barbie ideal disrupts one's perception of their body. The public must understand that playing with slender dolls does not lead to eating issues. It raises the possibility of experiencing low self-esteem. Even something as simple as playing with a doll can be seen in a new light by reading this essay.

135. The stigma associated with mental illness has to be eliminated.


Persuasive Essay Topics on Depression

136. The connection between perfectionism and anxiety.

137. Teenage Depression is more common than you think. Some people think that teens today have incredibly high expectations. They assert that a message about "feeling good" is constantly promoted by the media and social media. Many parents fail to provide to their children the essential life management skills. Look for data that demonstrates the frequency of the problem. Use data and insights from reliable sources to support your arguments.

138. Every school should have a mechanism to help students with mental health issues.

139. Recognizing the symptoms, signs, and risk factors of OCD is important.

140. The reasons why everyone should have a psychologist. There are numerous justifications for why everyone ought to visit a therapist. Some of these can be covered in an essay, which could persuade readers to seek counseling.



📲 Social Media Persuasive Essay Topics


The world we live in is significantly impacted by social media. Thus, essay themes related to it have grown in popularity in recent years.

A compelling social media topic need to be captivating, debatable, and approachable.

141. The negative effects of Social Media.

142. What makes a successful Social Media marketing plan. A social media marketing campaign that is successful is made possible by a variety of different methods and recommendations. But limit yourself to the most important ones. The main focus should be on your goals and what you are attempting to accomplish. It is known as S.M.A.R.T. goals in the marketing domain.

143. The importance of attention getter in writing an Instagram post.

144. Don’t forget to live your life, not only to document it for Social Media.

145. Teenagers spend too much time on Social Media. Nearly everyone in the modern world owns a device. People stare at screens for extended periods of time. Teens spend even more money. Describe the situation and offer any solutions if it's an issue. What risks come with utilizing social media excessively?

146. A specific purpose of Social Media.

147. The positive effects of Social Media.

148. Social Media addiction among older people. It may surprise you to learn that addiction to social media is common among seniors. Let's start by discussing what constitutes social media addiction. Next, discuss possible changes. Why ought it to be altered?

149. The reasons why Twitter is popular among celebrities.

150. Social Media opened new possibilities for business.

151. The world cannot survive without Social Media.

152. Social Media promotes cyberbullying.

153. Social Media strengthens relationships between people. One thing is certain in spite of all the negative effects: social media facilitates communication between individuals. Social media made the world we live in today considerably smaller.

154. Social Media and Networking Sites are a great help in your professional development.

155. Social Media is a social problem.

156. Social Comparison caused by Social Media is something we cannot avoid.

157. Social Media Influencers are not celebrities.

158. The Internet heavily affects News.

159. Social Media should not be allowed in the workplace.



🎹 Persuasive Topics on Music

Everyone enjoys reading about and listening to music. Consider how delighted your classmates will be if you select a topic for your persuasive essay that focuses on it. Go creative by selecting a genre or an artist.

160. Hard Rock music is the music of violence.

161. Rap music is not music—it’s poetry. Many individuals think that rap is poetry rather than music. Do you concur? If so, this subject is a great fit for you. Take a look at rap music's past. There are some excellent arguments in favor of this viewpoint. What was the initial song's purpose?

162. Some people have an addiction to music.

163. Depressive songs can be triggering for people with mental issues. Depression and sad music are often associated with one other. It makes sense to listen to depressing music if you're not feeling well. But be cautious—researchers claim that listening to depressing music can make your condition worse. Numerous excellent experiments support this theory and provide evidence for it. For people who are struggling with their emotions and feelings, your essay can be quite beneficial.

164. Music does not always have a positive effect.

165. Kids should not listen to death metal.

166. Hip hop dancing is a mainstream American culture now.

167. Why music talent shows are so popular in America.

168. Kids who listen to hip hop music are more rebellious than the rest. Rap music is closely examined. Rap and hip-hop-loving children could be more rebellious than other kids. Given that this kind of music frequently encourages violence and rebellion, it is possible.

169. The Negative view of women in hip hop music videos is outdated.

170. The similarities between ballet and hip hop.

171. The music can influence our behavior.

172. The positive aspects of playing a musical instrument.

173. Classical music and intelligence.

174. The music reflects society and its authenticity.

175. The positive effects of Mozart’s music on babies. There are a ton of benefits associated with classical music listening. For this reason, a lot of American parents begin listening to classical music to their children at a very young age.



176. Blacks express themselves through music for centuries.

177. Even plants grow better with classical music.

178. Jazz is an extinct music genre.

179. Reasons why most people do not like country music.


💖 Persuasive Essay Topics about Love & Family


Love is all we require. It's a well-known song, and it really is true. Here is a list of love and family-related themes to get you motivated.

180. Love is more than a set of chemical reactions. Love: What is it? Many authors, scientists, philosophers, and artists have attempted to address this subject. Science says that love is just a series of chemical processes in the brain. Is that really true? One could contend that love is a more complex phenomenon than any chemical reaction. Finding arguments in favor of this position shouldn't be difficult. Alternately, adopt a different stance.

181. Everyone needs love.

182. Why men do not understand women.

183. It is not a good idea to live together before marriage.

184. Hitting kids should be a crime. Youngsters are unable to connect their behavior to physical consequences. As a result, it should be criminal to abuse children in any way. Children shouldn't be physically disciplined because the only thing they sense is pain. You can discuss the immediate and long-term consequences of caregiver-caused childhood trauma.

185. Every parent should talk to kids about sex.

186. Why can people be happy only if they have love in their life?

187. Love is the only way we can fight racism.

188. Why parents should not drink and smoke in front of their children.

189. Are marriage bonds are more reliable than any other relationship?

190. The concept of love is different from culture to culture.

191. The love between Romeo and Juliet was not mature.

192. A love of a woman is different.

193. Looking beyond imperfections is essential for success in marriage.

194. Sacrifice is an element in family life. We might need to develop the quality of sacrifice if we want to have a happy family. You can discuss why it could be required in your essay. What does it aid in accomplishing? You can illustrate the advantages of sacrifice by using instances from your own life.



195. The changing landscape of love and marriage.

196. Love and marriage are incompatible.

197. Can parents leave their kids at home alone before 13 years old?

198. Teenagers should have more free time.


✔ 60 More Persuasive Essay Topics


In this section, you can find 60 more persuasive essay topics.

1. Persuasive Essay Topics: UK

Selecting a strong topic for a persuasive essay might be challenging. This area might be of great relief to UK students and students interested in UK culture. These ten subjects were anticipated by you:

199. Why Are UK Universities Better than the ones in the USA’s ones? It's a highly personal concept. even though it has a purpose. Write a convincing essay to support your position if you believe that universities in the UK are superior.

200. Why are UK musicians so famous in America?

201. Brexit will help the UK to prosper.

202. Why some believe that Shakespeare didn’t write his plays. It's likely that you have heard this viewpoint before. You are not have to concur with it, though. You could uncover solid proof for this widely held notion. Describe your stance and the reasons for people's opinions.

203. Scotland’s version of UK history is different.

204. The UN and International Peace.

205. British and English are not synonyms.

206. The history of the Northern Ireland crisis.

207. Difficult relationships between the United Kingdom and the EU.


2. Persuasive Essay Topics: Philippines


208. The effects of globalization on poverty in The Philippines.

209. Death penalty laws in The Philippines are cruel.

210. Critical issues in the Philippines should be resolved immediately.

211. Benefits of a nationwide smoking ban in the Philippines.

212. The quality of education in the Philippines should be higher.


3. Persuasive Essay Topics: Canada


213. The impact of immigration on the geography of Canada is exceptional. It's likely that you have heard this viewpoint before. You are not have to concur with it, though. You could uncover solid proof for this widely held notion. Describe your stance and the reasons for people's opinions.



214. Canadian immigration is marked with a history of discrimination.

215. Democratic racism in Canada is apparent.

216. Canada is in denial about the issue of gender inequality.

217. The most famous Canadian women and their achievements are underappreciated.


4. Persuasive Essay Topics: Social Science


218. There is a connection between mental illness and aging. 

219. There are effects of violent movies on psychology. Everything that individuals view and consume has an impact on their mental health. We are impacted by it in one way or another. Regrettably, one of the most popular forms of entertainment these days is violence. People can be convinced to watch less violent movies by this essay.

 220. We have to deal with the social issues of families in poverty.

221. Technology positively impacts society.

222. There are negative consequences of individualism.


5. LGBT+ Persuasive Essay Topics


223. Social problems in relation to the LGBT population is still an issue.

224. LGBT labor and employment discrimination issues.  Sadly, discrimination against members of the LGBT community still exists. Try to influence the reader's perspective in addition to presenting the situation as it is. Convince them that it is a social problem.

225. The effects of cyberbullying on the LGBT community are significant.

226. There is a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender discrimination in the Hispanic community.

227. The causes of homosexual discrimination in American society.


6. Emotional Persuasive Essay Topics


228. The importance of the use of ethos, pathos, logos in essay writing.

229. The reasons why we should protect the environment.

230. Should older people be allowed to drive?

231. Is access to the internet a human right?

232. The American dream is no longer attainable.


7. Deep Persuasive Essay Topics


233. Should graffiti be considered a form of art?

234. Stereotypes of American citizens.

235. Why the debate over free education for all students should be over.

236. Why is it important to teach Shakespeare in school?

237. Art and music therapy should be covered by health insurance.


8. Harry Potter: Persuasive Essay Topics


238. Does the sorting hat know more than humans?

239. Is there a deeper meaning in Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone?

240. A theme of love and betrayal in J.K.Rowling’s books is prominent. Many reviewers think that love, not magic, is the main theme of Harry Potter. It appears frequently throughout the entire series.

241. Hogwarts: a home away from home.

242. We should discuss the symbolism of deathly hallows more.


9. Fashion: Persuasive Essay Topics


243. Eco-friendly clothing is the next type of fashion.

244. Why is a style more important than fashion?

245. What does your choice of dress tell about you?

246. Fashion photography is a form of art, as well.

247. What are the concepts of beauty in the fashion industry?


10. Domestic Violence: Persuasive Essay Topics


248. We have to take into account a cross-cultural perspective on domestic abuse.  The degree to which domestic abuse is tolerated varies throughout cultures. Dealing with it might be difficult in multicultural families. You should attempt to explain why some people tolerate domestic abuse in your essay. Explain in further detail why it is prohibited in other places.

249. Domestic violence against women is a prominent problem.

250. Domestic abuse against men exists too. Domestic violence against men is a problem that not everyone is aware of. Men, on the other hand, are less likely to talk about it and to share their experiences. Why? They would rather keep up their shrewd façade. Domestic abuse, however, hurts everyone.

251. There is significant emotional abuse in low-income families.

252. Child abuse is still a problem.


11. Persuasive Agriculture Topics

253. How urban agriculture affects the economy.

254. The agricultural effects on wild animals.

255. Should GMO organisms in farming be allowed?

256. The issue of agricultural modernization in third world countries.

257. Organic farming should be the only type of farming.


👩‍🏫 6 Tips on Writing a Persuasive Essay

Among academic writing styles, a persuasive essay is one of the most prevalent. It will be up to you as a pupil to master it. Presenting a clear position on a subject and supporting it with logic and proof is the aim. Hopefully, you will be able to produce a strong persuasive essay by the time you finish this section.



As the title suggests, your task in this essay is to persuade or convince others. attempts to influence someone's thoughts and feelings. You must understand ethos, pathos, and logos well in order to be able to accomplish that.

Have you even heard of it?

This hypothesis was discovered by the Greek philosopher Aristotle. There are three components to a persuasive speech that are necessary to consider:

1. Ethos is the degree to which readers are inclined to trust the writer;

2. Pathos is the aspect in charge of emotional appeal;

3.  Logos is the aspect in charge of logical persuasion.



Thus, in your essay, you should decide on and use ethos, pathos, and logos. However, you may not be able to use the third one. It has to do with your reputation and social standing.

Let's now examine what constitutes a strong persuasive essay:

1. Your unique viewpoint backed up by arguments and refutations.
2. A captivating writing style that persuades the reader.
3. A sufficient arrangement that guarantees the coherence of your claims.

📜 5 Persuasive Writing Prompts


We'll give you some excellent tips for utilizing both pathos and logos in this part. If you're writing a persuasive essay, these are important things to keep in mind. You can start with these five persuasive writing prompts:

1. The American society is not threatened by immigrants. This argument is so common. Immigrants are perceived as a threat to American society by certain leaders and common citizens. Provide a number of facts that refute the theory. Explain in more detail the rise in research, innovation, and human capital. Make use of the fact that immigrants founded the United States of America.

2. The unethical nature of animal consumption. Do you have any knowledge of the Animal Rights movement? It is real and says that it is wrong to inflict pain on animals. You can defend or refute it. One could argue that eating meat is part of human evolution. or assert that the Bible mandates vegetarianism. If you choose this topic, you can make a lot of points using pathos and logos.


3. It's impossible to have a large social circle. People frequently mix up the definitions of friend and acquaintance. Try to come up with a clear definition of a friend for this essay. Friendship takes a great deal of time and work. Is keeping up a large number of friendships possible?


4. One's sexual orientation is shaped in early life. Many people think that a person's sexual orientation is decided later in life. The majority of LGBTQ+ people, however, claim that it is invalid. They claim that even as young children, they were aware of their sexual orientation. You can expand on this point and add first-person accounts from people you know.

5. To be executed by hanging is a crime. You are free to express your thoughts regarding the death penalty in this essay. Select the stance you truly believe in, then provide evidence to back it up. One thing is certain: the death penalty is a touchy subject. Whatever your point of view, you will almost certainly encounter resistance. Remain true to your rational points of contention and avoid overusing pathos.


Thank you for reading this article! Do not hesitate to share our persuasive essay topics with your friends and fellow students. And leave a comment below—we’d be happy to learn your opinion.


🔗 References

  1. 100 Persuasive Essay Topics: Grace Fleming, ThoughtCo
  2. Writing Resources: Writing Center Handouts, Hamilton College
  3. Ten Timeless Persuasive Writing Techniques: Brian Clark, Copyblogger
  4. How to Write a Good Argumentative Essay, Easy Step-by-Step Guide: Malcolm Gladwell, MasterClass
  5. Persuasive Essay, Examples and Definition of Persuasive Essay: Literary Devices, Definition and Examples of literary Items
  6. Persuasive Essay Outline: HCC Learning Web
  7. How To Write A Persuasive Essay: Writing Guides, Ultius
  8. Tips To Write An Effective Persuasive Essay: Melissa Burns, The College Puzzle
  9. Tips for Organizing an Argumentative Essay: Judith L. Beumer Writing Center
  10. Counterargument: Gordon Harvey (adapted from The Academic Essay: A Brief Anatomy), for the Writing Center at Harvard University
  11. 60 Persuasive Essay and Speech Topics: K12 Reader
  12. 434 Good Persuasive Topics for Speech or Essay: My Speech Class
  13. How to Write Persuasive Essays: Matrix Education
  14. 31 Powerful Persuasive Writing Techniques: Writtent
  15. A CS Research Topic Generator or How To pick A Worthy Topic In 10 Seconds: Purdue University
  16. Topic Ideas Generator: Online Research Library Questia
  17. English Grammar, Grammar Rules and Tips: Grammarist, English Grammar, Usage, and Style Blog
  18. How Do I Cite Sources: Plagiarism.org
  19. Writing Essays: Learning Development, Plymouth University
  20. Citation Style and Reference Formats: C. Rodkin, Association for Computing Machinery
  21. Effective Writing Grammar Rules: Grammar Book
  22. The Basics of Essay Writing: UNSW Current Students
  23. Writing Paragraphs: The Writing Centre, University of Ottawa

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